Author Guidelines
General provisions
1.1. Authors submit manuscripts only via web-site of the journal.
1.2. The Journal does not review manuscripts submitted via:
— e-mails;
— paper copies;
— USB flash drives, cd, dvd, or other types of data storage devices;
— e-mail addresses of third parties.
1.3. Authors submit their manuscripts in .doc or .docx format.
1.4. Authors submit manuscripts in one document that includes metadata, main text and references.
1.5. Recommended size of the manuscript (including metadata and references):
— scientific articles — 5250–14000 English words;
— review of scientific events with the presentation of the substance of the presentations and discussions — 3500–21000 English words;
— reviews of scientific publications — 2750–7000 English words.
1.6. Authors need to fulfil all requirements of the Pravovedenie Style Guidelines.
1.7. Romanization should be made with transliteration schemes approved by the Library of Congress (LC).
1.8. The Journal does not review manuscripts that do not meet requirements of the Pravovedenie Manuscript Submission Guidelines and Pravovedenie Style Guidelines.
Metadata and main text
2.1. The first pages of the manuscript should include metadata — general information about author(s) and submitted material.
2.2. Metadata include:
— UDC;
— author’s full name, academic degree, position (title), place of employment, institutional mailing address (country, postcode, city, street, and building number);
— author’s e-mail;
— author’s contact phone number (e.g. 7-(000)-000-00-00) (will not be published in the journal or sent to third parties);
— author's ORCID;
— funding information;
— title;
— abstract;
— keywords.
2.3. The manuscripts starts with metadata in Russian, followed by the metadata in English.
2.4. The main text of the manuscript (article, review, commentary etc) starts on the separate page after metadata. The author shall put the title of the manuscript before the main text. It is author’s responsibility to exclude from the main text all the information that could help to identify author in the course of “blind” peer-review process.
3.1. All the sources used in the manuscript should be cited in the footnotes, which should include information about the author, the year of publication and relevant page number.
3.2. Bibliographic references should be made in accordance with Pravovedenie Style Guidelines. If Pravovedenie Style Guidelines don’t cover the issue, Russian state standards apply to materials in Russian, and Chicago Style (Author — Date) — to materials in English.
3.3. Notes should be prepared as footnotes — the number of the footnote should be inserted in the text and the note itself should be put at the bottom of the page.
3.4. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the whole text.
4.1. The main text of the manuscript should be followed by the bibliographical list (“References”, 2 lists — “Литература” and “References” for manuscripts in Russian), numbered and alphabetically arranged. References should provide information for every secondary source cited in the manuscript (books, journal articles, doctoral dissertations).
4.2. References should be made in accordance with Pravovedenie Style Guidelines. If Pravovedenie Style Guidelines don’t cover the issue, Russian state standards apply to materials in Russian, and Chicago Style (Author — Date) — to materials in English.
4.3. For manuscripts in Russian the “Литература” bibliographical list includes Russian sources in Russian and sources in other languages without translation into Russian.
4.4. For all manuscripts the “References” bibliographical list includes romanized and translated into Russian sourced in Russian and sources in other languages in the language of the source.
4.5. Bibliographical lists should not include laws, judicial decisions, archive documents and electronic sources.
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The Journal Pravovedenie provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge.
License Agreement (one author)
License Agreement (several authors)
License Agreement (several authors, in two languages)
Copyright Notice
Articles of "Pravovedenie" are open access distributed under the terms of the License Agreement with Saint Petersburg State University, which permits to the authors unrestricted distribution and self-archiving free of charge.
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